Tuesday, March 7, 2017


In the article, Obama Camp's Disingenuous Denials of FISA Surveillance of Trump, the author, Andrew C. McCarthy, claims that Obama and his aides are lying about their involvement in an alleged wiretap on Donald Trump. McCarthy's audience is heavily conservative republicans who believe in conspiracy theories. McCarthy is an experienced attorney with an emphasis towards prosecuting attacks against the U.S.

In the article McCarthy writes, he attempts to woo his audience by providing some in-depth information about the Trump wiretapping scandal. He also uses his knowledge as an attorney to make it sound like he is providing an informed argument as to how he knows that the Obama administration did, in fact, tap Trump during the election. What McCarthy does not do, however, is lend any credible evidence towards his accusation. Instead, McCarthy provides information about how a FISA works, how it is ordered, etc. Effectively, all he is doing is connecting a definition to a person by ways of circumstantial evidence.

McCarthy's second point about Obama ordering Trump to be under surveillance is the least constructed argument I have ever seen. All McCarthy provides is a very circumstantial (and frankly not even connected) bit about how Obama, "had American citizens killed in drone operations". McCarthy does not provide any evidence whatsoever that Obama actually did order a FISA (or ordered Americans killed) but believes that he would be the kind of person to do so.

All in all, the arguments McCarthy attempts to make in his "article" are very weak. He provides no solid evidence towards his statements while only giving the reader some conspiracy theory fuel. This article was obviously written to try and stir the pot amongst his readers and not to try and actually write about something meaningful.

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