Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Hungry for Education

In this article, The Number of Hungry and Homeless Students Rises with College Costs, the author describes the desperation of affording modern day higher education. He uses a specific story of a young college student who could not afford a place to live. The student was dependent on shelters for living and maintaining academic interest/success. The author also uses a Wisconsin study of undergrads in community college to display a shocking statistic about student homelessness. The basic message of the article is that modern college students are in dire straits. The burden of this lands on state and national government to provide for students in need. But as we can see this is not happening. Cost for attending colleges and universities is still rising while the amount of students who can no longer afford it rises as well. This article should be important to all of us because at some point, none of us will be able to afford the classes we are currently taking.

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